OnlyHibiscus Niza

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tupperware Nano Nature Water Filtration System - get one for your home and office.

Get a compact Tupperware water filter at your home or office, easy maintenance at RM2,590.00. You can have a clean water right away with no worries. Call or email for more details.

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I'm now a Tupperware Consultant!

Hi guys!...I'm now a Tupperware Consultant! After so long of looking for reliable and environmental friendly products and most importantly SAFE. On top of that, their designs are cheeky, cool and practical. So, whoever are like me.. want to be a Tupperware user or to be the consultant and enjoy the discount too, come and join me with just small investment of RM60.00 for the starter kit .. who knows you can earn extra, why not ya..

So, what I'm going to do next is to upload the latest campaign so that you all can cuci2 mata .. interested then, text me at 019 6191570 or email me at   .. see ya!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Bad cough.. try lime juice with rock sugar..

I was having fever last week and a non stop coughing..with a so maidless at home, kids start schooling and work..ooh just tell me about it, with some strength left.., I still have to manage all these ( i do not have a choice either ).

It is just me whenever I fell sick, I would try all the natural remedies on me...My fever is getting better but my cough seems very hard to get rid off.. finally, when my husband bought some limes and with my available stock of rock sugar, I decided to try this combination..

Very easy and handy, boil some rock sugar and I add pandan leaves ( I just love the smell ) and just add the boiled concentrated rock sugar to some squeezed lime ( about 8 ~ 10 limes ) and a right amount of water to dilute them. This would make a teapot of lime juice and take it warm. It was amazing, my cough reduced a lot, I can sleep better and it seems that I almost forgot about my coughing on the next day..